For the April 14th Mill Spring launch event we had twenty-two participants launch seventy-six rockets, saucers, and a robot. Weather-wise we had pleasant temperatures but gusty winds coming in from the south creating a bit of a challenge. To overcome the challenge most adapted with streamers and lower altitudes with excellent results.
Herb Howe returned with his saucer invasion (another good windy day option) which included two awesome flights of his Art Applewhite Delta Saucer on a F15-0. We were also intrigued and amazed by a unique proof of concept design by Jose Morales, his ‘I got Gass’ launched with a D12-5. This was a gas-stabilized rocket with no fins (picture) that left the launch pad straight and true initially, then began to lose stability once vent holes began to burn through (well, that’s one theory).
David Cain launched his Semroc Little Joe II on a B6-4 which was quite successful, though a shorter delay would have avoided a few tense seconds. Also notable was the Estes A.R.V. Condor launched on a B6-4 by Marcus. The two parasitic gliders performed very well and received much applause at touchdown. Hunter successfully flew and recovered his Estes two-stage Solar Flare with a B6-0 booster and A10-3T sustainer. Many other great flights! Event Photos.
Motor Ignition counts:
- 1/2A – 3
- A – 29
- B – 24
- C – 14
- D – 6
- E – 1
- F – 2