March Mill Springs Academy Launch Event Report

March Mill Springs Academy Launch Event Report

The March 8th SoAR Launch event at Mill Springs Academy was held under mostly sunny skies with mild temperatures, but oh – those gusty winds were challenging.  Most launches were made on A and B motors to keep recovery chances at their best, but still there were a few trees snagging rockets and many recoveries made in the adjacent fields beyond the tree line.  The event saw a very good turnout, and for the day there were a total of 122 launches accomplished.  A lot of new families came out and had their first flights with plenty of help provided by the club’s more experienced members.

Of special note was flight by the team “The Flying Nuggets” of their scratch-built Buff Chicken (egg payload) ARC competition test flight with a F15-4 for power.  Kevin Boyd launched his Estes Super Bid Bertha on an E20-4, and Kevin Scholberg flew his scratch-built Nike Z-Fin on an E16-4 and his Quadraporte on a cluster of two E12-4s.  Darren continued his scratch-built X-Wing test flights with Franken Wing on an E12-4 and his Dynastar Lexx Jet also on an E12-4.

All-in-all a very good launch event with a lot of great spectator activity to entice new club memberships and continued participation in upcoming events. Event photos by Kevin Boyd [here]. Some additional photos from the event [here].

Motor Ignition Counts:
A – 49
B – 39
C – 18
D – 9
E – 7
F – 1

March 8th Launch Event at Mill Springs Academy

March 8th Launch Event at Mill Springs Academy

SoAR’s Mill Springs Academy launch event is Saturday, March 8th.  The weather forecast calls for partly sunny skies with gusty west winds at times and temperatures reaching near 70. So, make plans to come out early and enjoy a wonderful day of rocketry where we will be launching from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Remember to bring water to help stay hydrated. This is our low power launch, where we recommend altitudes no higher than 1000′ (usually no more than D power level).

As always, the public is invited to watch or join in!

February Dawsonville Launch Event Report

February Dawsonville Launch Event Report

The February 22nd SoAR launch event in Dawsonville began with a partly sunny sky with clouds increasing by the afternoon.  What was forecasted as relatively light winds ended up being quite gusty at times adding the wind chill factor and making for some long recovery walks for many of those reaching higher altitudes.  But even with the weather challenges, there were eighty-seven flights accomplished by the end of the event.

Launches of special interest included an impressive flight by Bill Humiston of his Apogee Kronos on a G53-7J, the twenty TARC Challenge team roaring-off-the-pad flights each on a F42-4, Kevin Scholberg’s beautifully detailed Estes scale model of an Honest John modified to a 29mm motor mount and powered by a F15-6, and Kevin’s The Launch Pad ASRAAM on a cluster of two D12-5s,  Terry Bliss was back with Brains! Brains! Brains! powered with three-staged C11-0s, but a more stable flight with made just two brains (lower IQ) with two-staged C11-0s.  Georgia Tech’s GNC (Guidance Navigation and Controls) team accomplished two flights of their Scarlet rocket working on gimbaled thrust-vectoring test flights with a G12 for power.  There was also a first two-stage flight successfully accomplished by Joseph Kalinowski with his Estes “ork” using a B6-0/B6-4 staging.

Event photos by Kevin Boyd [here]. Some additional photos from the event [here]

Motor ignition counts:
A – 9
B – 7
C – 24
D – 16
E – 7
F – 22
G – 3

February Launch Event at Dawsonville Saturday

February Launch Event at Dawsonville Saturday

SoAR’s next launch happens this Saturday, February 22nd at our Dawsonville/Ball Ground site from 11AM – 4PM.

This is our mid-power field, where rockets up to G power can be flown. It is very hilly, and cow-patties abound, hidden in the tall grass in the recovery area, so pick your shoes accordingly. Spectators are always welcome. If you’ve got a rocket, come fly it with us.

The latest forecast shows light winds from the south with mostly clear skies and no chance for any precipitation and with temperatures reaching the mid to upper 40s by afternoon. Setup begins at 10:00 and help is greatly appreciated.

SoAR Launch Event Report – Mill Springs Academy

SoAR Launch Event Report – Mill Springs Academy

The SoAR launch event on February 8th at Mill Springs Academy began with mostly cloudy skies, mild temperature, and a bit of troublesome wind (although fortunately directed down the longer length of the recovery field).  Attendance was good with many families, SoAR regulars, and college aerospace teams.  By the end of the event there were a total of 129 launches accomplished.

Of special spectator interest were Terri Bliss’ scratch-built Dollar Tree Brains! Brains! Brains! – a three-stage colander creation powered by C11/C11/B6 combination (flown twice) and also a great flight of Kevin Scholberg’s The Launch Pad Amraam with a two-cluster of C11s for power.  Other spectacular flights included a custom 3D printed Golden Eye flown by Atlas Olive on a D21, Robert Harris’ Orange Spool that roared off the launch pad with a G79 for power, Kevin Scholberg’s Estes Argent lifted off the pad with an E16, and Darren’s test flights of his scratch-built X-Wings Watch the Towers and Red 5 on E12s.

The day ended with GNC (Guidance Navigation and Controls) working on a gimbaled thrust-vectoring test flight with a G12 for power.

Event photos by Kevin Boyd [here]. Some additional photos from the event [here]

Motor Ignition Counts:
A – 33
B – 49
C – 32
D – 12
E – 7
F – 0
G – 2