Dec 15, 2024
The December 14th SoAR launch event at Mill Springs Academy began mostly blustery with overcast skies. Rocket launches started at a slow pace initially, but by noon the pace picked up as youth groups and families arrived to add to the activity out on the launch pads. The afternoon also brought some sunshine, warming temperatures, and a few breaks from the stiff easterly wind. Most recoveries were made down the length of the field, although with good launch angle selection and helpful timing of the wind, some rockets were recovered at or very near the launch area. For the day there were 150 total launches.
Terry Bliss supported a steady demand for rocket preparation help and repairs from parents and youth coming out for their first launch. This greatly helped lessen troubles during RSO flight-ready inspections, with problems out on the launch pads, and more successful recoveries.
Some highlights of the day included the first launch of the day by Tom Thurmond of his battery-powered propeller rocket, that flew successfully and was recovered by parachute. Also, of special interest were Kevin Scholberg’s Orange Web of Terror that used a cluster of seven motors ignited by a flash pan underneath and his scratch-built Captain America Shield flown with a cluster of three D11-Ps. Blake Hardegree flew scratch-built Timmy on an E15-7 (rocket and motor supplied by Jorge) for a successful on field recovery. Jeffrey Fellman launched three Estes Super Big Berthas on D12-5s.
Another positive note was how many youngsters and parents expressed their gratitude for the help and encouragement they received from club members throughout the day. So, a key highlight was how successful and fun the day was considering the weather challenges. Some photos from the event [here].
Motor Ignition Counts:
A – 83
B – 46
C – 18
D – 8
E – 4
Oct 26, 2024
The October 26th Southern Area Rocketry launch event in Dawsonville had excellent weather conditions with clear blue skies, warm temperatures, and light to moderate winds; all of this with colorful Fall foliage as a backdrop. No wonder then that the event was well attended and for the day there were 129 total launches accomplished. Mid-power rockets were steadily being placed on the launch pads with excellent flights and generally good recoveries (always a few mishaps).
Jorge Blanco got in a successful flight of his Apogee TTV “timer test vehicle” with an E30-4/B6-4 two stage combination and with a new altimeter that solved earlier problems. Kevin Scholberg brought out his scratch-built Halloween Hellraiser flown on a cluster of two D12-5s and recovered in two parts with entrails spewed out – quite a sight.
For G-power there was Dion’s Estes Der Big Red Max powered by a G77 as was the LOC/scratch-built The Raven which was also flown on a G80. Herb Howe launched his Sunward King Tut pyramid with a G35-4 which was impressive and unique. Ryan Campbell had two flights (powered by G64 and G76) of his LOC Alien with dual deployment on recovery. Well done. These were just a small sample of the highlights.
Some event photos [here]
Motor ignition counts:
A – 16
B – 28
C – 22
D – 26
E – 28
F – 15
G – 8
Oct 25, 2024
SoAR’s next launch happens this Saturday, October 26th at our Dawsonville/Ball Ground site from 9AM – 2PM.
This is our mid-power field, where rockets up to G power can be flown. It is very hilly, and cow-patties abound, hidden in the tall grass in the recovery area, so pick your shoes accordingly. Spectators are always welcome. If you’ve got a rocket, come fly it with us.
The latest forecast shows light winds from the northwest with clear skies and no chance for any precipitation and temperatures reaching the mid to upper 70s by afternoon. This should be a spectacular launch event against the backdrop of Fall colors. Setup begins at 8:00 and help is greatly appreciated.
Oct 12, 2024
On a perfect (especially for rocketry) Fall day, SoAR’s October 12th launch event at Mill Springs Academy, there were 127 launches accomplished. The early morning participants included cub scout members who were very enthusiastic about getting their rockets into the blue sky, and this kept the launch pads very busy. As the day progressed, there was still steady activity and many interesting rockets being launched.
Steven sent up his handsome Mad Cow Patriot on a F67-6 which did make it off the field to the other side of Little River but ultimately recovered successfully and with just some scuff marks as it came through the trees. Very fortunate. Other remarkable flights included Sean’s Estes two stage Solar Flare that was launched on an A8-0 booster with an A3-4T for a sustainer to a good altitude and then successful recovery on the field. Jorge flew his FlisKits Tres on a cluster of three A8-3s for a short but successful flight. There was also an attempted drag race of nine Baby Berthas on B6-4s (ended-up six initially launching then three to follow) which was quite a sight. One of these Baby Berthas by Dennis Walker took up an Astrocam [video here]. A great flight was achieved by Rick Young with an Apogee Mini-Copter lifted by a 1/2A3-4T and successful recovery with a slow helicopter descent. Fun to watch! Another Rick and his family accomplished three Estes Payload flights on D12-5s with an Eggbert (hard boiled) going along for the ride. Eggbert was only a tad anxious the whole time.
Event photos by Kevin Boyd [here]. Some additional event pictures [here]
Motor ignition count:
A – 32
B – 63
C – 22
D – 9
E – 4
F – 1
Oct 11, 2024
SoAR’s Mill Springs Academy launch event is this Saturday, October 12th. The weather forecast calls for clear skies all day with mild winds and temperatures reaching the mid 70s by the afternoon. So, make plans to come out early and enjoy a wonderful day of rocketry where we will be launching from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Remember to bring water to help stay hydrated. This is our low power launch, where we recommend altitudes no higher than 1000′ (usually no more than D power level).
As always, the public is invited to watch, or join in!