March Taylorsville Launch Report

The March 24th launch event at the Creekside Firing Range in Taylorsville had over thirty-four participants and 138 total launches.  Good field dimensions and very agreeable weather encouraged many participants to get the most performance from their low to mid-powered rockets.  Up until early afternoon the recovery walks were fairly short, but as winds picked up later in the day, some recoveries involved a bit more effort.  The overall consensus was that the field provides ample room for minimum high power consideration.

The large number of mid-power launches (and a few low H) was certainly the highlight of the event.  Applauses were also provided for Tom Thurmond’s successful Estes Shuttle launched on a D12 with a spectacular glide return and Leaor Schwartz’s Saturn V launched thrillingly on an E30 with perfect parachute deployments.  There were many other craftsman standouts that compelled a photo like Leaor’s detailed Mercury Atlas, Kevin Scholberg’s Pot Metal and Spaceship X (with rear ejection).

For making this event possible, a special thanks to Allen Isdell (who is now a LOC Distributor) and all of those who helped with setting-up, running the event, and getting everything back in the trailer.

[Event Photos] [Photos by Kevin Boyd]

Motor Ignition counts:

  • 1/4A to A – 10
  • B – 23
  • C – 27
  • D – 25
  • E – 23
  • F – 27
  • G – 12
  • H – 3

February Mill Springs Launch Report

At the February Mill Springs launch event there were 110 launches accomplished by twenty-three participants. Very light winds, cool temperature, and slightly overcast skies encouraged a steady pace of activity out on the pads throughout the afternoon.

Mike Nehez launched his unique Apogee Long March CZ-2E and Long March Three (scale models of China’s satellite launch vehicles) and an impressive scratch built Little John. John Lawrence brought out some very distinctive models including a Squirrel Works sci-fi classic Spacecruiser FFE and an Excelsior Gooney Bird Zero each flown on B6-4s.

Kevin Scholberg conducted drag race comparisons of Estes C6 versus Q-Jet C12 motors to determine characteristics that may be suitable for his many unique launch vehicles (a full report expected at the upcoming Rocket Talk meeting).  [Event Photos]

Motor Ignition Counts:

  • 1/2A – 1
  • A – 26
  • B – 46
  • C – 25
  • D – 6
  • E – 6
  • F – 2


January Dawsonville Launch Report

2019 finally got off to a roaring start with a great turnout for the January SoAR launch event in Dawsonville. Participants were met with a sunny blue sky but gusty chill winds from the west. Nonetheless there were seventy-two launches by twenty participants that included many mid-power rockets that streaked skyward to some neck challenging altitudes.

Of special interest was Dan’s spectacular flight of his Apogee “F With Multiple D Pods” that blasted-off with a cluster of F and D motors and T.J. Frishe launched his striking Deuces Wild with a pair of B6s. Pierce sent up a two stage Estes Spirit on a D12/B6 then again on a D12/C6 that was likely seeking 1000 feet or more.  Leaor returned with his Fliskits Decaffeinator and challenged the gusty winds by installing an E12 and then attached a glider to the contraption. All went exceptionally well and was great fun to watch in flight.

For other mid-power action,  Chris Ruthruff brought out his scratch-built AN-01 with a G78 (unfortunate CATO), Allen Isdell and Kevin Scholberg had their LOC IVs on G54 and G74, Joseph launched his Binder Design Jackhammer with a G70, and Dan flew his LOC ISIS with a G54. [Photos by Kevin Boyd]  [Additional Event Photos]

Motor ignition counts:

  • 1/4A – 1
  • A – 8
  • B – 21
  • C – 8
  • D – 15
  • E – 13
  • F – 7
  • G – 5

Turkey & GRITS 2018 Launch Report

The 2018 Turkey & GRITS launch is in the books! Nearly 50 registered flyers came out over the two day event and 253 rockets took to the air in what was one of our most successful launches to date. Highlights included Joshua Finn who smashed two NAR glider records (1/8A and F duration) with his beautifully engineered switchblade gliders, the long awaited first (and last) flight of Jorge Blanco’s upscaled Rubicon on a K780, a pair of very successful two-stage high power flights from Gary Dahlke & Greg Hassler, Steve Pollak’s huge pool-noodle covered saucer, as well as several other odd-rocs and saucers.

There were also eleven L1 and five L2 cert flights for the weekend and most of them were quite successful. Congrats to all those flyers who are now cleared to spend even more money on their rocket motors!

Event Photos by Kevin Boyd [Saturday] [Sunday]

And speaking of motors, the breakdown of those used during the event was as follows:

  • 1/8 A – 1
    1/2 A – 2
    A – 15
    B – 29
    C – 46
    D – 17
    E – 29
    F – 35
    G – 29
    H – 23
    I – 14
    J – 14
    K – 8
    L – 1

November Mill Springs Launch Report

The November 10th Mill Springs launch event was held under sunny skies with a cool breeze from the northwest. Twelve participants came out to enjoy the outdoors and launch forty-five rockets while many other family members came to provide encouragement and recovery support.

We had a good range of  rockets powered by 1/4A (Estes 220 Swift) to Roy Green’s Estes Prowler launched with a E16. Joseph flew his Estes Rubicon on an E11 to impressive altitude, but upper-level winds did not favor a recovery – ouch. Kevin Scholberg had a scratch-built SNXL (likened to a shortened Super Neon) which flew on E9s and flew a baseball bat shaped Estes Pop Fly that had a baseball nosecone that released at near apogee for a freefall recovery. Amilia and Mike Huggins duked it out drag race style with a couple of Estes Mini Max rockets which are always fun to watch. [Event Photos]

Motor Ignition counts:

  • 1/4A – 1
  • 1/2A – 8
  • A – 5
  • B – 13
  • C – 10
  • D – 4
  • E – 5