September 10th Mill Springs Launch Report

img_1635At the September 10th Mill Springs launch event we had twenty-one participants launch ninety-one rockets at a steady pace into the warm sunny sky. Moderate breezes were mostly favorable and did not complicate most recoveries although unfortunately, a few models remained at high perch. Some very talented craftsmen brought their sleek creations for first flight and we also saw some rockets that had been stored for many decades back out on the pads. A 1974 vintage Estes Vega was launched by Dave on a B6-4 and Roy Green brought an Estes Juno-1 / Jupiter-C (late 1980s vintage) and installed a C6-3 for flight. Jose Morales Jr. came with his beautiful scale models that were viewed at the last club meeting on Thursday and all flown on C and D engines. We also saw David Tripp fly his Century Hustler on a F27-4R and Kevin Boyd launched his Estes Leviathan with a E20-4. Also of profound interest was Kevin Scholberg’s “The Dude” (7.5′ tall and uses a balloon for the body) launched twice with D12-3s, and his steampunk styled “Pot Metal” also flown on a D12-3. For more action, I was wowed by Kevin Boyd’s drag race of two Baby Bertha’s streaking skyward on C6-5s and Keith Frazier’s Alphas on B6-6s. It was a fun day!
Motor ignition counts were as follows:
1/2A – 4
A – 7
B – 27
C – 34
D – 14
E – 6
F – 1

Event photos provided by Kevin Boyd:


August 13th Mill Springs Launch Event Report


The August 13 Launch Event at Mill Springs saw twenty participants launch a total of 107 rockets.  Activity picked up quickly with a varying moderate summer breeze and partly cloudy skies that provided some initial launch angle challenges, but as the day progressed the winds were fairly consistent directing recoveries down the length of the field.  The B6-4 provided most of the early-day boosting, but by afternoon there were many reaching for higher altitudes with C6-5s and D12-5s.  Of note there were a couple of Sputniks launching that were always fun to watch; simple design and easy recovery.  Jose Morales Jr. brought out his Redstone, his new nicely detailed Quest Future Launch Vehicle and a V2-like rocket with forward fins (see picture) that flew well but experienced a parachute ejection issue causing light damage.  Spectators also enjoyed Alex Swift’s Aerotech Initiator powered with an F15 and Herb Howe’s Art Applewhite Delta Saucer roaring off the pad on an F15-0.

Total motor ignition counts were as follows:

  • 1/4A – 1
  • 1/2A – 5
  • A – 26
  • B – 35
  • C – 24
  • D – 8
  • E – 10
  • F – 2

Special thanks to Keith Frazier who once again provided cool beverages and rocket supplies and Roy Green who provided LCO support and expert commentary throughout the hot afternoon.

July 23rd Dawsonville Launch Event Report

IMG_1293Although the threat of rain and the rumble of thunder cut the event a few hours short, those who came out early enjoyed some great launches at the July 23rd Dawsonville Launch Event.  There were twenty-two participants who blasted-off a total of sixty-five rockets.  Spectators enjoyed a great variety of mid-powered rockets, cluster configurations, some well performing boost gliders, and unique helicopter recovery creations.  Remarkable mid-power flights included Kevin Boyd’s LOC IV on a G125-5 with a parachute deployment delay set for 400’ and his drag race of a Mega Red Max versus Mega Blue Max both powered by G53-5s.  Bob Nowak brought out his impressive Sirius Interrogator G and flew it on a G40-7W and Steve Bellio flew his Heavy Duty Beauty on a five cluster of one E30-7T, two D12-7s, and two C11-7s.  Kevin Scholberg launched scratch-built Whirl-A-While, Roto Crock, and Roto Moto for some very unique spinning recovery dynamics and performed two launches of his Edmunds Geminee Thunder twin boost gliders with very impressive long flights.  I also enjoyed John Chatham’s scratch-built Raven boost glider and the flight of Darrell Ritchie’s Shuttle.

Motor ignition counts were as follows:

  • 1/2A – 1
  • A – 5
  • B – 14
  • C – 21
  • D – 13
  • E – 10
  • F – 3
  • G – 6

Event Photos by Kevin Boyd:

July 9th Mill Springs Launch Event Report

IMG_1168Forty-one participants accomplished 118 total launches during the July 9th Mill Springs launch event.  Moderate winds and a high cloud deck shielding the sun for most of the morning and early afternoon kept temperatures just below the 90s and made for an enjoyable day.  Keith Frazier was back to provide cold beverages, doughnuts, and rocket supplies.  The club setup on the field early to get some cub scouts prepped, loaded, and launched.  The remainder of the day saw a steady volley of rockets by club members who brought out their favorites, beautiful scale models, and some very intriguing scratch-built creations.  I especially enjoyed watching Jose Morales’ Estes Mercury Redstone on multiple flights, Kevin Scholberg’s scratch built NLR launched with a E30-4T, and Kevin Boyd’s Mega Mosquito on a D12-3, then his Estes Leviathan on a E20-4.  Also fun to see on the pads were Jeff Eshbaugh’s Pemberton Little Bucky Jones and Kevin Scholberg’s scratch-built Pot Metal.  The motor selected most often was the B6-4.  A special thanks to David Cain for providing RSO support throughout the event.

Motor ignition counts were as follows:

  • 1/2A – 3
  • A – 20
  • B – 45
  • C – 36
  • D – 9
  • E – 6
  • F – 1

Event Photos by Kevin Boyd:

June 2016 Mills Springs Launch Report

The Mill Springs Launch event on June 11th was attended by twenty-seven participants and their supporting family members. The sunny weather with very mild winds directed down the length of the field helped make recoveries relatively easy throughout the day.  There was a steady morning pace which slowed down in the afternoon as temperatures reached the ninety-degree mark.  By the end of the event we had accomplished 107 total launches.  Steve Bellio launched numerous mid-power rockets and pyramids like his LOC Heavy Duty Beauty on a cluster of E30-4T with two C11-5s, his amazing 9” Pyramid of Doom on a G78-4G, and Ariel on three E16-4s.  There were also many of Herb Howe’s saucers, spools, and cones, some great scale models with realistic liftoffs like Tom Thurmond’s Estes Mercury Redstone on a C6-3 and Kris Bravo’s Space X Falcon 9s going up on D12-5s.

Motor ignition counts were as follows:

  • A – 23
  • B – 41
  • C – 26
  • D – 12
  • E – 8
  • F – 4
  • G – 1

Special thanks to Keith Frazier for keeping us all hydrated with cold beverages on a hot summer afternoon!