Sep 12, 2015
Moderate temperatures and mild northwesterly winds pushed away morning clouds to make for a very delightful day for our September 12th Mill Springs launch event. We had sixteen participants loading the pads at a leisurely pace to launch sixty-two rockets. Motor selection included five 1/2A, sixteen A, nineteen B, fourteen C, six D, four E, and a single G. The B6-4 was the most prevalent selection.
Of special interest was Gabriel’s New Way Sky Spike shaped like a railway spike but actually flew straight and true on a C6-3. There was Joel Downs Estes MIRV with a spectacular flight starting with a B6-0 booster stage igniting three MIRV rockets each on A3-4T separating into their own trajectories. Glenn Harper tempted fate with his One Big Rush on a G74 which was recovered successfully with a little help from the SoAR tree recovery team (a.k.a. Jorge with a long stick), and we had a few CATOs that provided some ground-level drama. Kevin Scholberg launched an Estes Ascender on an E15-4W and completed a dozen other flights while Marcus had an excellent flight with his Sky Dart II glider as well as his Space Shuttle.
So a moderate-size turnout making for a very comfortable and relaxing day to participate and to be a spectator on a late summer afternoon.
Photo coverage provided by Kevin Boyd: Mill Springs September 12th photos
Aug 8, 2015
The launch event at Herb Belins’ field in Ball Ground was held against a scenic backdrop of rolling hills and a blue sky peppered with cumulus clouds and with calm to moderate winds. This large field attracted seventy-eight participants who achieved a total of one hundred and eighty-five launches. This made for a very busy day with many extraordinary rockets streaking skyward to sight-challenging altitudes.
Although some recoveries required good stamina to navigate the hilly terrain the large open area provided excellent recovery results. Including the many multi-stage and cluster motor flights, the total engine ignition count was as follows: A – seventeen, B – twenty-eight, C – fifty, D – twenty-five, E – forty-five, F – eighteen, G – thirteen.
The most popular motor choice was the C6-5 followed by the E9-4. The many mid-powered flights, beautiful scale models, high-lofted gliders and Ron Stancil’s R/C boost gliders made this event a spectator bonanza and an enjoyable day for all those who came out.
Jul 11, 2015
The July 11th Mill Springs Launch was held on a warm… ok… hot and sunny day with moderate winds helping to keep things a bit more comfortable, but sometimes complicating some of the recoveries. The forecasted ninety plus temperatures did not deter the fifty-eight participants who filled the skies with one hundred and forty five launches during a very busy morning and early afternoon. Cub Scouts helped to bolster the number of participants at the start of the day, but by late morning we settled into a steady flow of launches which resulted in the following motor selection counts: nine 1/2A motors, twenty-seven A motors, forty B, fifty-seven C, five D, four E, two F. The most common motor used was the C6-5.
Herb launched an Art Applewhite Saucer on an F16-6 and Steve Bellio sent his PML Small Endeavor skyward on a F42-4T. There were other remarkable launches including Kevin Boyd’s Estes Executioner powered by E motors and LK’s scratch built Sputnik lofted by an A10-3T motor. There were four two stage launches all using B6-0s in their booster stage.
With lots of shade and plenty of hydration the day was enjoyable by all those in attendance. Some of my favorite rockets names for this event were “More Sharks Flying”, “Super Kitty Eleven”, “Claptrap”, and “Red Neck Rocket”… who comes up with this stuff?
Jun 13, 2015
The June 13, 2015 launch event was held on a typical summer day with blue skies and calm to moderate variable winds coming across the field. We had thirty-nine participants with a large turnout of family and friends providing support. There were one hundred and twenty one launches accomplished throughout the busy day. Many boost gliders were flown with fantastic results in the small thermals produced by the warming air. Motor selection favored the C6-5 with a total of thirty rockets streaking skyward to neck-craning altitudes and long descents, some finding the neighboring ball field to be recovered. Motor counts were as follows: 2-1/4A, 9-1/2A, 22-A, 23-B, 39-C, 12-D, 12-E, 5-F, and one G80-6T lifting Steve Bellio’s LOC Short EZI-65.
The day saw good variety of activity with the boost gliders, saucers, multi-stage, cluster motor configurations, and a pair of Estes Swifts sent out of sight by Nathaniel Smith, but actually recovered within minutes (good eyes!). I was amazed by Marcus’ scratch built Space Shuttle which performed realistically by launching the shuttle off of the boosters and which came down at an easy glide angle. David Fields brought out a Saturn V scale model that was attempted on an E20-4W but experienced a Bernoulli Lock Effect on the blast deflector and failed to accelerate up the launch rod while catching fire. I hope we can discuss this perplexing phenomenon at our next club meeting.
Although the trees claimed a few prized models, and we experienced a couple of motor failures with dramatic results, the majority of launches were impressive flights followed with smiles of success. Good crowd, busy day and a lot of fun!
Apr 11, 2015
The April 11th Launch Event at Mill Springs was held on a picture perfect day. Blue skies prevailed while the winds remained mostly light to calm, and what did come along was frequently down the length of the field. Many rockets landed very close to the launch pads, including some that were reaching well over 500 feet in altitude. All of this favorable weather led to a busy day with forty-two participants launching an impressive total of 152 rockets. Motor selections included one micro, one ¼ A, five ½ A, forty-three A, fifty-three B, twenty-nine C, nine D, fourteen E, two F, and one G40 by Glenn Harper on his Leviathan’s last spectacular voyage.
The most remarkable launch was of an Estes Condor by Matt Boyd that lofted twin gliders. One of the gliders circled down in a gentle downward spiral, but the second glider seem to defy gravity and appeared to keep a constant altitude as it circled down the field for what seemed like a few minutes, finally landing gently on the grass at the far end of the field. A really amazing flight. Also of note were the numerous mid-powered flights with almost all of these successfully recovered. Most impressive was a launch of a LOC Ariel by Steve Bellio on a cluster of three E16-4 motors. Wow. There were other low power cluster launches (B & D) and two low power two-stage launches (A & B). Best Triathlon contest 250 foot flight was by Joel Downs who reached 255 feet. Lots of variety and lots of action provided a thrilling day for all spectators who came out to enjoy the event.
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