October Mill Springs Launch Event

October Mill Springs Launch Event

SoAR’s Mill Springs Academy launch event is this Saturday, October 14th.  The weather forecast calls for clearing skies in the morning and mild Fall temperatures with slight winds picking up later in the afternoon. So, make plans to come out early and enjoy a wonderful day of rocketry where we will be launching from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Remember to bring water to help stay hydrated. This is our low power launch, where we recommend altitudes no higher than 1000′ (usually no more than D power level).

As always, the public is invited to watch, or join in!

September 9th Mill Springs Launch Report

September 9th Mill Springs Launch Report

At the September 9th SoAR launch event at Mill Springs Academy there were 85 total launches accomplished by thirty-nine participants.  The Civil Air Patrol GA-045 Sandy Springs Cadet Squadron participated in today’s launch and helped with field recoveries and taking down launch equipment at the end of the event.  Weather conditions at the field were excellent for the morning with an occasional mild breeze and pleasant temperatures.  By later in the afternoon normal summertime conditions brought in some gathering rain clouds, distant thunder, and rising heat/humidity.

Some notable launches included Kevin Scholberg’s MRC Trailblazer IIB powered by a C11-3, his Estes Gyroc going up on an A8-3 and the majestic scratch-built Silver Sailor that launched on a D12-3.  Dave Tripp launched his classic Semroc Mini Explorer on a B6-4.  A thrilling launch and recovery was accomplished by Katina with an Estes Big Red Max sent up on a F23-4.

Event photos by Dave Tripp [here]

Motor Ignition Count:
A – 22
B – 30
C – 28
D – 6
E – 2
F – 2
G – 1 (cato)

October Mill Springs Launch Event

September Mill Springs Launch Event

SoAR’s Mill Springs Academy launch event is this Saturday, September 9th.  The weather forecast calls for typical summertime weather with mostly clear skies in the morning and favorable five mph winds throughout the event. The day will be heating up into the 80s by the afternoon with a chance of showers by the end of the event. So, make plans to come out early and enjoy a wonderful day of rocketry where we will be launching from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Remember to bring water to help stay hydrated. This is our low power launch, where we recommend altitudes no higher than 1000′ (usually no more than D power level).

As always, the public is invited to watch, or join in!

August 12th Mill Springs Launch Report

August 12th Mill Springs Launch Report

Thirty-two participants plus a good many supporting friends and family members came out for the August 12th SoAR launch event at Mill Springs Academy.  Other than the heat and humidity, the day was great for rocketry with only slight winds off and on throughout the morning and early afternoon.  Many rockets were recovered close to the launching area.  For this event there were a total of 110 launches.

Some of the highlights included Mark Bowen’s Dynasoar Aurora Clipper boosted R/C glider sent up to an impressive altitude on an E6 then piloted back to the launch area by remote control.  Davud’s Estes Saturn V was launched and recovered successfully for the first time on a C6-3.  Herb had an impressive flight of his nicely finished Estes Rubicon that was powered by a D12-3 and provided much entertainment with several saucers going up on E12s and an F15.  Gary Knotts flew his new Semroc Mars Lander on a D21 for a roaring ascent then a perfect gentle decent and upright “stuck” landing.  He also modified his Estes Citation Patriot for accommodating two-cluster power and sent it up on twin B6-4s.

Some photos from the event can be viewed [here]

Motor ignition count:
A – 31
B – 37
C – 26
D – 8
E – 8
F – 2

October Mill Springs Launch Event

August Mill Springs Launch Event Saturday

SoAR’s Mill Springs Academy launch event is this Saturday, August 12th.  The weather forecast calls for typical summertime weather with mostly clear skies and less than ten mph winds at the start. The day will be heating up by the afternoon with a slight chance of showers by the end of the event. So, make plans to come out early and enjoy a day of rocketry where we will be launching from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Remember to bring water to help with the heat. This is our low power launch, where we recommend altitudes no higher than 1000′ (usually no more than D power level).

As always, the public is invited to watch, or join in!