August 12th Mill Springs Launch Report

August 12th Mill Springs Launch Report

Thirty-two participants plus a good many supporting friends and family members came out for the August 12th SoAR launch event at Mill Springs Academy.  Other than the heat and humidity, the day was great for rocketry with only slight winds off and on throughout the morning and early afternoon.  Many rockets were recovered close to the launching area.  For this event there were a total of 110 launches.

Some of the highlights included Mark Bowen’s Dynasoar Aurora Clipper boosted R/C glider sent up to an impressive altitude on an E6 then piloted back to the launch area by remote control.  Davud’s Estes Saturn V was launched and recovered successfully for the first time on a C6-3.  Herb had an impressive flight of his nicely finished Estes Rubicon that was powered by a D12-3 and provided much entertainment with several saucers going up on E12s and an F15.  Gary Knotts flew his new Semroc Mars Lander on a D21 for a roaring ascent then a perfect gentle decent and upright “stuck” landing.  He also modified his Estes Citation Patriot for accommodating two-cluster power and sent it up on twin B6-4s.

Some photos from the event can be viewed [here]

Motor ignition count:
A – 31
B – 37
C – 26
D – 8
E – 8
F – 2

August Mill Springs Launch Event Saturday

August Mill Springs Launch Event Saturday

SoAR’s Mill Springs Academy launch event is this Saturday, August 12th.  The weather forecast calls for typical summertime weather with mostly clear skies and less than ten mph winds at the start. The day will be heating up by the afternoon with a slight chance of showers by the end of the event. So, make plans to come out early and enjoy a day of rocketry where we will be launching from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Remember to bring water to help with the heat. This is our low power launch, where we recommend altitudes no higher than 1000′ (usually no more than D power level).

As always, the public is invited to watch, or join in!

July 8th Mill Springs Launch Report

July 8th Mill Springs Launch Report

The July 8th Mill Springs Academy launch event was well attended with many families coming out for the first time to enjoy a summer day of rocketry.  Range setup was completed by the 9:00 event start time under very warm and humid conditions under sunny skies.  As the day progressed the moderate wind provided some relief to the rising temperatures but challenged those seeking higher altitudes to keep recoveries near the launch area where field conditions were less difficult to navigate.  By the end of the event the forecasted threat of afternoon rain never materialized allowing forty-six participants to accomplish a total of 153 launches.

Many of these were the rocket’s first flights.  Brandon Lange’s Athena was sent skyward powered by an E12 for its maiden flight and his Honest John went up on a D12 with camera.  Frank Gugert launched a unique non-symmetric design and beautifully finished Fliskits Night Whisper on a B6 for an impressive first flight.  Other spectacular first flights were made by David Lange with an Estes Red Nova going up on a D12 and his Estes Green Lightning also powered by a D12 for their first flights.

Also notable were multi-motor flights like Ron Stancil’s three stage Estes Mini Comanche III that went up on A10-0/A10-0/A10-3T and successfully recovered.  John Cooper launched (twice) his Estes Star Chaser on a pair of B6-4s and Kevin Scholberg sent up his Estes Side Kick on two A8-3s.

By the 2:00 event end time the heat and humidity was at its July peak and range take-down was accomplished by a few stalwart volunteers and the day was considered a great success.

Event Photos

Motor Ignition Counts:
A – 61
B – 40
C – 32
D – 11
E – 13

August Mill Springs Launch Event Saturday

July Mill Springs Launch Saturday

SoAR’s Mill Springs Academy launch event is this Saturday, July 8th.  The weather forecast calls for typical summertime weather with mostly blue skies and mild winds at the start then heating up by the afternoon with a slight chance of showers by the end of the event. So, make plans to come out early and enjoy a day of rocketry where we will be launching from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. This is our low power launch, where we recommend altitudes no higher than 1000′ (usually no more than D power level).

As always, the public is invited to watch, or join in!

June 24th Dawsonville Launch Report

June 24th Dawsonville Launch Report

The launch pads stayed busy at the SoAR Dawsonville launch event on June 24th.  Gusting winds were prevalent throughout the day and made some recoveries a bit of a walk, but also helped moderate the summer heat in the afternoon.  Clear skies in the morning encouraged an excellent turn-out with a total of thirty-six participants who accomplished 120 launches.  The parking, rocket prep, and launching area had been recently mowed which made getting to/from launch control easy and supporting family members were able to watch the action up close.

There were many great flights including those by Barry Savory who launched his LOC Goblin for its first flight on a F67 and two flights of his Apogee Zephyr Jr. on D12s.  Chris flew his Estes Der Violet Max powered by a F52 and recovered with the use of a Jolly Logic chute release set for 400 feet.  He also sent up his LOC Lil’ Hulk on an E30.  More mid-power excitement was provided by Wayne with his MAC Performance Atomic Number 29 going up with a G76 and Kevin Scholberg had his Art Applewhite Priority Stealth boosted by a G35 and an excellent scale flight of a refurbished Semroc Saturn 1B on an E28 that came from Roy’s collection.  Near the end of the event Dave Fountain placed his Pratt Hobbies B.O.B. out on the pads with a G76 for a straight-up flight to one of the day’s highest altitudes but unfortunately its recovery may not have been successful.

Launch activity stayed busy up to the very end of the event time and afterwards there were many who remained to help take down the launch equipment – very much appreciated.  Some pictures from the event can be found [here].

Motor Ignition counts:
A – 21
B – 22
C – 42
D – 24
E – 10
F – 7
G – 3