September Mill Springs Launch Results

Jeff Coons brings us the launch report: “Although muggy and overcast at the start of the day, twenty-six participants completed ninety-eight launches with motors ranging from 1/4A3-3T on Tyler’s Estes Mini Mosquito up to an F16-6 used by Herb on his Art Applewhite 29mm Saucer. A8-3s were used for fourteen launches followed by eleven launches on B6-4s. C6-5s and D12-5 were frequently chosen (nine launches each). We also saw the launch and successful recovery of Oliver’s Estes Leviathan pushed skyward by an E20-7. Even with C6-5s launching smaller rockets we enjoyed very light winds during the morning hours and achieved many successful recoveries. Kevin Boyd brought many examples of nicely finished higher skill level models that entertained a good turnout with fifteen total launches from his collection. The day saw thirty-one First Flights.

William began a Marshmallow Eating Le Mans event that saw a half dozen competitors racing to the launch pads to launch a rocket carrying a marshmallow and then retrieving their rockets to race back to the starting point to consume the marshmallow. Best time was obtained by Glenn Harper who beat the second place contestant (Cole) by 5.5 seconds at a time of 1:02.14 using his Estes Sky Trax with an A8-3 (low altitude / close recovery strategy – a wise man). A special launch by Joel Downs of a D12-5 three-motor cluster on his Papa Joe 3X rocket celebrated the 67th birthday of his dad Joe. Throughout the day we had three two-stage launches – all successfully recovered I believe and one other cluster of three A8-5s on a Der Red Max by Glenn. Lots of visitors and lots of action made the day progress quickly with many comments being heard of those thoroughly enjoying their time at the field.

Creekview Team Takes Silver In Farnborough

News release from the Aerospace Industries Association on the 2014 Farnborough International Air Show and the International Rocketry Challenge. Sounds like they far outperformed either the French or UK teams, but the French team must’ve had a really good presentation.

Report From The July Lilly Launch

Report From The July Lilly Launch

14756408441_e7a83eff82_oNinety five rockets took to the skies above Lilly, GA at the launch on July 26, including eleven high power flights and over thirty mid-power flights. Follow the link for Kevin Boyd’s photos of the launch.

We had one level 1 certification attempt that succeeded – Congratulations to Kevin Boyd flying his Mega Red Max on an H140-10 motor. Mario Panebianco flew his semi-scratch built BSD 5.5” Horizon on a K550 for a spectacular flight with recovery within a few hundred feet of the pad….Nice Flight! Mark Dibois lit things up with his “Fire in the Sky” dual-deploy project flying on a J285 for a great flight and successful recovery. Monica Helms flew her “Sky Net” on a variety of motors and sent up a camera for good measure.

All-in-all it was a great day for flying…if you didn’t mind drinking deet for the gnats!  It’s not bad if you chase it with Gatorade!!!!