Elections Featured At January RocketTalk TONIGHT!

Published on January 14, 2021

It’s a new year, thank goodness, and therefore time for SoAR elections and approval of next year’s launch schedule.

RocketTalk will be held from 7pm – 9pm, tonight, Thursday, January 14. It will be online as currently usual (check the RocketTalk page for the Big Blue Button to join the meeting). Jorge will open with current SoAR Business, which usually includes the tentative schedule for club launches (especially the Fourth Saturday launches that occur at different locations from month to month). Mill Springs launches will continue to be on the Second Saturday of the month, so the February launch will be on February 13 . The minutes of last year’s meeting will be presented and accepted. Then we’ll hold elections for the four elected officers, President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. At the moment, it appears all the current officers are fine with serving another year, but if you think you’d like to run for a position (or just volunteer for one of the appointed positions), let Jorge know ASAP.

Of course, only those who are SoAR members for 2021 are allowed to vote, so renew before the meeting.

After elections we’ll have RocketTalk as usual, where everyone has their own five minutes or so to talk about their rocketry projects, ask questions about rockets, and so on.