January Dawsonville Launch Event Report

Published on January 25, 2025

Despite a chilly start, SoAR’s first rocket launch event of the year on January 25th turned out excellent. Comfortable temperatures by afternoon, mild winds, and sunny skies made for a perfect day.  For this event there were eighty-five launches accomplished.

Of special note were the numerous TARC team launches testing their designs based on the 2025 competition rules.  Other remarkable launches included Ray Lecture’s LOC Goblin powered by a G76, Chris’s Eggtimer EZ-DD launched with a G40 and his two-stage Estes Loadstar lifted by a combination of C6-0 to C6-5.  Both included a new tracking system that was successfully used to recover both.  Also spectacular, there was Kevin Scholberg’s scratch-built Old SoAR Rocket roaring up on a G74, and Ryan Cambell’s LOC Magnum powered by a G64.

Darren continued to test his designs including the first flight of his scratch-built X-Wing Wedge V-2 on a E12 and his scratch-built PLA X-Wing Big X1 with a F44.  These look awesome as they lift off the launch pad.  Ray also successfully launched and recovered his amazing scratch-built Venus Probe BT-60 with a FJ23 for lifting power.

Some photos of the event [here]

Motor Ignition Counts:
A – 8
B – 13
C – 20
D – 14
E – 14
F – 13
G – 4