June Mill Springs Launch Report

Published on June 20, 2023

SoAR had special guests at the Mill Springs Academy launch on 06/10/2023!

Approximately 100 Scouts and their parents registered to come out and fly rockets with us…and they showed up in mass!

Four of us started the day at the Eggs Up diner that is near the field.  When breakfast broke up we ambled over to the field and set up 28 pads to make sure there wouldn’t be any waiting.  We kept up with the demand and I believe everyone had an Excellent time.

Terry Bliss set up the Triage Table to help Scouts whose rocket needed that extra fin or launch lug.

Flight operations were traded off throughout the day (quite successfully I might add).  I believe all of the SoAR members got their fill of flying!

Our flight count for the day was 118 with the vast majority of the flights going on A8-3 with a smattering of D’s, E’s, and a couple of F’s.

This was excellent Outreach and more than a couple of the ‘Scout Flyers’ will be returning to fly with us!

Sincere THANK YOU to everyone who helped!