March Mill Springs Academy Launch Event

Published on March 21, 2024

On Saturday 03/23/2024 starting a 10AM, the candidates that will represent the United States at the 2025 International Space Modeling Championship will be joining us at The Mill Springs Academy for a couple of hours to fly Estes Generic Rockets for Fun.

There will be approximately 100 participants from the International group (this includes mentors and chaperons).  The Mentors are the Best of the Best…come and learn from them.

We will need to get the International group flown and fed in about 2.5 hours.

What we need is a bunch of you to volunteer to show up at 9AM for range setup (40 Pads) and dining setup (we have ten, eight-foot tables with 80 chairs).

If we have 10-15 of us doing the work, it will go quickly and if you help with setup, you will get a hamburger, chips, and a drink…plus you get to fly before anyone else.

Please come out and pay it forward.