The February 22nd SoAR launch event in Dawsonville began with a partly sunny sky with clouds increasing by the afternoon. What was forecasted as relatively light winds ended up being quite gusty at times adding the wind chill factor and making for some long recovery walks for many of those reaching higher altitudes. But even with the weather challenges, there were eighty-seven flights accomplished by the end of the event.
Launches of special interest included an impressive flight by Bill Humiston of his Apogee Kronos on a G53-7J, the twenty TARC Challenge team roaring-off-the-pad flights each on a F42-4, Kevin Scholberg’s beautifully detailed Estes scale model of an Honest John modified to a 29mm motor mount and powered by a F15-6, and Kevin’s The Launch Pad ASRAAM on a cluster of two D12-5s, Terry Bliss was back with Brains! Brains! Brains! powered with three-staged C11-0s, but a more stable flight with made just two brains (lower IQ) with two-staged C11-0s. Georgia Tech’s GNC (Guidance Navigation and Controls) team accomplished two flights of their Scarlet rocket working on gimbaled thrust-vectoring test flights with a G12 for power. There was also a first two-stage flight successfully accomplished by Joseph Kalinowski with his Estes “ork” using a B6-0/B6-4 staging.
Event photos by Kevin Boyd [here]. Some additional photos from the event [here]
Motor ignition counts:
A – 9
B – 7
C – 24
D – 16
E – 7
F – 22
G – 3