September RocketTalk Tonight!

Published on September 7, 2021

It is time for the September RocketTalk meeting at Tuxford Swim & Tennis Club in Alpharetta this Thursday evening from 7:00 PM to about 9 PM.

The RocketTalk meeting is where we bring projects to show and techniques to share, and just talk rockets. We cover everything: build questions and techniques; motors; recovery; new and old models; high and low power; model rocket history; real rockets: etc., etc. etc. If it has anything to do with rockets, we love it!!!! You are guaranteed a few minutes of floor time… so bring your latest projects, questions, ideas, finds, complaints, recipes, clean jokes, ocarina improvisations, etc.

For those who are still uncomfortable with in-person meetings, are unvaccinated, or just can’t get to the meeting, we will still have a remote component to the meeting. We will have a TV, laptop, and web cam at the meeting and those who wish can log onto Zoom and participate from home. Just go to the RocketTalk page and click the big blue button.