SoAR Launch Event Report – Mill Springs Academy

Published on February 8, 2025

The SoAR launch event on February 8th at Mill Springs Academy began with mostly cloudy skies, mild temperature, and a bit of troublesome wind (although fortunately directed down the longer length of the recovery field).  Attendance was good with many families, SoAR regulars, and college aerospace teams.  By the end of the event there were a total of 129 launches accomplished.

Of special spectator interest were Terri Bliss’ scratch-built Dollar Tree Brains! Brains! Brains! – a three-stage colander creation powered by C11/C11/B6 combination (flown twice) and also a great flight of Kevin Scholberg’s The Launch Pad Amraam with a two-cluster of C11s for power.  Other spectacular flights included a custom 3D printed Golden Eye flown by Atlas Olive on a D21, Robert Harris’ Orange Spool that roared off the launch pad with a G79 for power, Kevin Scholberg’s Estes Argent lifted off the pad with an E16, and Darren’s test flights of his scratch-built X-Wings Watch the Towers and Red 5 on E12s.

The day ended with GNC (Guidance Navigation and Controls) working on a gimbaled thrust-vectoring test flight with a G12 for power.

Event photos by Kevin Boyd [here]. Some additional photos from the event [here]

Motor Ignition Counts:
A – 33
B – 49
C – 32
D – 12
E – 7
F – 0
G – 2