December Mill Springs Launch Report

December Mill Springs Launch Report

The December 14th Mill Springs launch began under grey clouds but later cleared with moderate winds and cool temperatures throughout the afternoon.  There were twenty participants who accomplished a total of sixty-one launches during the event.  And yes, with the brisk winds at times we did help decorate a tree or two with some colorful ornaments.

Some of the standouts during the day included David Cain’s Semroc Little Joe II with a re-engineered tower assembly and flown successfully with a B6, a spectacular launch of Kevin Scholberg’s Estes Executioner power by an E30, and a beautifully built and finished Estes Dark Silver flown by Tom Thurmond with a B6.

Lots of families were in attendance who enjoyed participating and watching all the action during the event.  [Some event photos here]
Motor Ignition Counts:

  • 1/2A to A – 19
  • B – 26
  • C – 10
  • D – 3
  • E – 3
Taylorsville High Power Launch Report

Taylorsville High Power Launch Report

Mild temperatures and calm winds welcomed fifty-three participants at the November 17th high-power launch event at the Creekside Firing Range in Taylorsville. Range setup was challenged by a field access delay and then the need to hand carry or cart range equipment out into the open field. Those who gathered early were extremely helpful in grabbing what they could for transport. Technical challenges for getting the high-power pads in working order also held up getting underway although low and mid-power were able to commence before noon. Despite the difficulties, by the event’s end time there were 101 launches accomplished.

Throughout the afternoon there was a constant queue line at the range safety table as the large number of participants needed to be processed to ensure safety of many first-time flights. This caused the need for much patience for both high-power and low to mid-power participants. Again, it was a challenging day all around, but a grand success for those who were looking to attempt high-power certification at level 1 and level 2.

Again, a special thanks to all of those who helped overcome the logistics of setup and takedown of range equipment. Thanks to Chris Short (Chris’ Rocket Supplies) in supporting high-power rocket motors and supplies, and thanks to all those individuals who stepped-in with their experience to help answer so many questions and to demonstrate proper techniques. It was a successful, albeit tiring day.  [Photos by Kevin Boyd] [Some additional photos from the event]

Motor Ignition Counts:

  •  1/2A to A – 6
  •  B – 15
  •  C – 29
  •  D – 7
  •  E – 13
  •  F – 6
  •  G – 5
  •  H – 25
  •  I – none
  •  J – 3
November Mill Springs Launch Report

November Mill Springs Launch Report

The November 9th Mill Springs Launch event began with Jorge supporting a group of Cub Scouts on a day that started out cold and a bit windy.  As the club members began arriving a few hours later, the day became more comfortable, the winds died down and by the end of the event we had a total of fifty-eight participants who accomplished 161 launches.

There were many beautiful flights piercing a cloudless blue sky.  Kevin Scholberg launched some of his amazing creations, the most impressive being the scratch-built Halloween Hellraiser on a two D12 cluster that was brought back safely using streaming entrails – quite a sight.  Roy Green had a good flight of his Estes Jupiter-C on a C6 and Chris’ Aurora Borealis was very spectacular on a B6.

The pace of launches increased during the final hours of the event as so many came out to enjoy a beautiful Fall afternoon.  [Some photos from the event]

Motor ignition counts:

  • 1/4A to 1/2A – 11
  •  A – 51
  •  B – 51
  •  C – 33
  •  D – 5
  •  E – 8
  •  F – 4
  •  G – 1

Mill Springs October Launch Report

The October 12th Mill Springs launch event got a delayed start due to SoAR’s participation in the Roswell Youth Parade, but as the afternoon got underway, we had twenty-seven participants accomplish a total of ninety launches.  The Fall weather was very comfortable with moderate winds diminishing later during the event.

Some highlights included the Estes Luna Bug that made an appearance with Madison’s Bumble Bee sent skyward with an A10 and Joe Burley’s Bug sent up on a 1/4A which was successfully retrieved.  Joe also brought his Cognis Aerospace Zweistik Repulsor and had a successful flight with an A3 (an earlier A10 was CATO).  Tom Kinard flew his scratch-built Vipox (shown at the SoAR meeting) on an A8.  Eric Wilfert launched a Rocketarium  Turbo Vortico with a F15 and Michael made a couple of flights of his Vortico with a D16 all with great success and fun to watch.  [Some photos from the event]

Motor Ignition Counts:

  •  1/4A to A – 32
  •  B – 32
  •  C – 22
  •  D – 2
  •  E – 1
  •  F – 1

Mill Springs September Launch Report

The September 14th Mill Springs launch had a great turnout of thirty-six participants who accomplished 121 launches throughout the event.  Mild winds from the east helped guide recoveries down the length of the field but variations in wind direction did prove challenging at times.

The day saw many Turbo Vorticos, Whirl & Hurls, saucers, cones, and even something called Bad Egg Salad by Kevin Scholberg that flew (whirled) on an E12, then a F15.  Joseph Barrett launched his Estes D Region Tomahawk on a E12.  We saw a spectacular flight of Tim Callahan’s Estes Blackbird on a C6. Chris Lucas launched a Lego Gus Grissom onboard an Estes Mercury Redstone with a C6.  Roy Green sent up his Estes Jupiter C / Juno I on a C6.  Jorge got to fly his beautifully finished Estes Protostar and Estes Expedition each on C11s.  Glenn Harper successfully ignited all three A8s (cluster) in his Estes Der Triple Max for an impressive flight and Herb had an awesome flight with his FlisKits Deuces Wild on a two-cluster of B6s.  [Photos from the event]

Motor Ignition counts:

  •  1/2A to A – 36
  • B – 36
  • C – 31
  • D – 9
  • E – 6
  • F – 5
  • G – 1